    • Price:

Price / KST:
  • 100/100 149.47 € 89.69 € (-39%)
  • 125/100 166.35 € 99.81 € (-39%)
  • 125/125 166.35 € 99.81 € (-39%)
  • 160/100 186.22 € 111.73 € (-40%)
  • 160/125 186.22 € 111.73 € (-40%)
  • 160/160 186.22 € 111.73 € (-40%)
  • 200/100 228.42 € 137.06 € (-39%)
  • 200/125 228.42 € 137.06 € (-39%)
  • 200/160 228.42 € 137.06 € (-39%)
  • 200/200 228.42 € 137.06 € (-39%)
  • 250/100 272.79 € 163.68 € (-39%)
  • 250/125 272.79 € 163.68 € (-39%)
  • 250/160 272.79 € 163.68 € (-39%)
  • 250/200 272.79 € 163.68 € (-39%)
  • 250/250 272.79 € 163.68 € (-39%)
  • 315/160 391.23 € 234.74 € (-39%)
  • 315/200 391.23 € 234.74 € (-39%)
  • 315/250 391.23 € 234.74 € (-39%)
  • 315/315 391.23 € 234.74 € (-39%)

European delivery - 21 working days, other countries +7 working days.

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Cross connections for ventilation KST

Attention! KST100/100, KST125/125, KST160/160 and KST200/200 we keep always in stock.

  • KST - 90° cross connections for intersecting two airflows in a limited height space, without air mixing
  • the inside surfaces are in contact with both air streams one of which is usually warm and the other cold
  • internal surfaces are insulated to prevent condensation
  • made from galvanized steel
  • with a rubber seal

Brand: ESEM
Code KST
Ød Li L B H Weight, kg
100/100 100 100 40 210 210 110 1.4
125/100 125 100 40 250 250 140 1.8
125/125 125 125 40 250 250 140 1.8
160/100 160 100 40 300 300 180 2.5
160/125 160 125 40 300 300 180 2.5
160/160 160 160 40 300 350 180 2.6
200/100 200 100 40 350 350 220 3.3
200/125 200 125 40 350 350 220 3.3
200/160 200 160 40 350 350 220 3.4
200/200 200 200 40 350 350 220 3.5
250/100 250 100 40 400 400 280 4.3
250/125 250 125 40 400 400 280 4.3
250/160 250 160 40 400 400 280 4.4
250/200 250 200 40 400 400 280 4.5
250/250 250 250 40 400 400 280 4.5
315/160 315 160 40 540 540 342 5.4
315/200 315 200 40 540 540 342 5.4
315/250 315 250 40 540 540 342 5.5
315/315 315 315 40 540 540 342 5.6


Pressure loss diagram